Byrd, A.J., Talbott, K.M., Smiley, T.M., Verrett, T.B., Gross, M.S., Hladik, M.L., Ketterson, E.D. and Becker, D.J., 2024. Determinants of spring migration departure dates in a New World sparrow: Weather variables reign supreme. Ecology and Evolution, 14(2), p.e10874.
E.D. Ketterson and T. J Greives 2024. Mechanisms matching timing to resources: comparisons of closely related, seasonally sympatric, migratory and non-migratory populations. Submitted to Journal of Avian Biology; click here for preprint.
O'Neal, D.M., Austin, S.H., and E.D. Ketterson, 2024. Examining impacts of a warming climate on the non-breeding distribution and relative abundance of males and females by latitude in a classic differential migrant. Submitted to Frontiers in Bird Biology.
Dantzer, B., Mabry, K.E., Bernhardt, J.R., Cox, R.M., Francis, C.D., Ghalambor, C.K., Hoke, K.L., Jha, S., Ketterson, E., Levis, N.A. and McCain, K.M., 2023. Dantzer et al. 2023, Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks. Integrative Organismal Biology, 5(1), p.obad036.
Hanauer, R.E., Abolins-Abols, M., Brenner, A.M., Gall, B.J. and Ketterson, E.D., 2023. Chronic disturbance induces attenuation of the acute glucocorticoid response in an urban adapter, the dark-eyed junco. Frontiers in Bird Science, 2, p.1245853.
Jahn, A.E., Cereghetti, J., Hallworth, M.T., Ketterson, E.D., Ryder, B., Marra, P.P. and Derlindati, E., 2023. Highly variable movements by Andean Flamingos (Phoenicoparrus andinus): implications for conservation and management. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 18(2).
Jahn, A.E., Koller, K.K., Martin, L.B., Smiley, T.M., Verrett, T.B., Ketterson, E.D., Williams, E.J. and Becker, D., 2023. Movement-related drivers of exposure to West Nile virus by American robins (Turdus migratorius). bioRxiv, pp.2023-10.
Talbott, K.M, and Ketterson, E.D. 2023. Physiological impacts of chronic and experimental Plasmodium infection on breeding-condition male songbirds. Scientific Reports,13(1), p.13091.
Becker, D.J., Byrd, A., Smiley, T.M., Marques, M.F., Nunez, J.V., Talbott, K.M., Atwell, J.W., Volokhov, D.V., Ketterson, E.D., Jahn, A.E. and Clark, K.L., 2022. Novel Rickettsia spp. in two common overwintering North American songbirds. Emerging Microbes Infections, 11(1), pp.2746-2748.
Friis, G., Atwell, J.W., Fudickar, A.M., Greives, T.J., Yeh, P.J., Price, T.D., Ketterson, E.D. and Milá, B., 2022. Rapid evolutionary divergence of a songbird population following recent colonization of an urban area. Molecular Ecology, 31(9), pp.2625-2643
Friis, G., Vizueta, J., Ketterson, E.D. and Milá, B., 2022. A high-quality genome assembly and annotation of the dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis, a recently diversified songbird. G3, 12(6), p.jkac083.
Heidinger, B.J., Slowinski, S.P., Sirman, A.E., Kittilson, J., Gerlach, N.M. and Ketterson, E.D., 2022. Experimentally elevated testosterone shortens telomeres across years in a free‐living songbird. Molecular Ecology, 31(23), pp.6216-6223.
Kimmitt, A.A., Becker, D.J., Diller, S.N., Gerlach, N.M., Rosvall, K.A. and Ketterson, E.D., 2022. Plasticity in female timing may explain earlier breeding in a North American songbird. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(10), pp.1988-1998.
Slowinski, S.P., Geissler, A.J., Gerlach, N., Heidinger, B.J. and Ketterson, E.D., 2022. The probability of being infected with haemosporidian parasites increases with host age but is not affected by experimental testosterone elevation in a wild songbird. Journal of Avian Biology, 2022(1).
Talbott, K.M., Becker, D.J., Soini, H.A., Higgins, B.J., Novotny, M.V. and Ketterson, E.D., 2022. Songbird preen oil odour reflects haemosporidian parasite load. Animal Behaviour, 188, pp.147-155.
Kimmitt, A.A., Webb, A.L., Grieves, T.J., Ketterson, E.D., 2022. Migrant and resident female songbirds differ in gonadal response to upstream stimulation during seasonal sympatry. General and Comparative Endocrinology, vol 293, 113469, 2020
Becker DJ, Han BA. 2021. The macroecology and evolution of avian competence for Borrelia burgdorferi. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30.
Fudickar, A.M., Jahn, A.E. and Ketterson, E.D., 2021. Animal migration: An overview of one of nature's great spectacles. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 52, pp.479-497.
Singh D, Montoure J, Ketterson D. 2021. Exposure to artificial light at night accelerates but does not override latitude-dependent seasonal reproductive response in a North American songbird. Environmental Pollution, 279, 116867.
Singh D, Reed SM, Kimmitt AA, Alford KA, Stricker CA, Polly PD, Ketterson ED. 2021. Breeding at higher latitude is associated with higher photoperiodic threshold and delayed reproductive development in a songbird. Hormones and Behavior, 128, 104907.
Becker DJ, Singh D, Pan Q, Montoure JD, Talbott KM, Wanamaker SM, Ketterson ED. 2020. Artificial light at night amplifies seasonal relapse of haemosporidian parasites in a widespread songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287, 20201831.
Becker DJ, Ketterson ED, Hall RJ. Reactivation of latent infections with migration shapes population-level disease dynamics. 2020. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287, 20201829.
Kimmitt, A.A., Sinkiewicz, D.M., Ketterson E.D. 2020. Seasonally sympatric songbirds that differ in migratory strategy also differ in neuroendocrine measures. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285, 113250.
Reichard, D.G., Atwell, J.W., Pandit, M.M., Cardoso, G.C., Price, T.D. and Ketterson, E.D. 2020. Urban birdsongs: higher minimum song frequency of an urban colonist persists in a common garden experiment. Animal Behaviour, 170, pp.33-41.
Wanamaker SM, Singh D, Byrd AJ, Smiley TM, Ketterson ED. 2020. Local adaptation from afar: migratory bird populations diverge in the initiation of reproductive timing while wintering in sympatry. Biol. Lett. 16: 20200493.
Feng, S., Stiller, J., Deng, Y. et al. 2020. Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 587, 252–257.
Singh D, Fudickar A, Smiley T, Ketterson ED. 2020. Comparative proteomics reveals molecular correlates of population-level variation in reproductive timing in a North American songbird. ESS Open Archive.
Ketterson, ED. 2020. Chasing the sun: When to migrate, when to breed. Funct Ecol. 2020; 34: 1750–1751.
Ketterson, ED. 2020. What do Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Have in Common? The Organism in the Middle.The American Naturalist. 196:2, 103-118
Kimmitt AA, Sinkiewicz DM, Ketterson ED. 2020. Seasonally sympatric songbirds that differ in migratory strategy also differ in neuroendocrine measures.Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2020 Jan 1;285:113250.
Becker DJ, Talbott KM, Smiley TM, Clark KL, Sauer PE, Ketterson ED. 2019. Leukocyte profiles vary with breeding latitude and infection status in a seasonally sympatric songbird. Animal Migration 6(1):28–40.
Becker DJ, Schultz EM, Atwell JW, Ketterson ED. 2019. Urban residency and leukocyte profiles in a traditionally migratory songbird. Animal Migration 6(1):49–59.
Graham, J.L., Bauer, C.M., Heidinger, B.J., Ketterson, E.D., Greives, T.J. 2019 Early‐breeding females experience greater telomere loss. Molecular Ecology 28 (1), 114-126.
Kimmitt, A.A., Hardman, J.W., Stricker, C.A., Ketterson, E.D. 2019. Migratory strategy explains differences in timing of female reproductive development in seasonally sympatric songbirds. Functional Ecology 33 (9), 1651-1662.
Liebgold, E.B., Gerlach, N.M., Ketterson, E.D. 2019. Density‐dependent fitness, not dispersal movements, drives temporal variation in spatial genetic structure in dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Molecular Ecology 28 (5), 968-979.
Needham, K.B., Bergeon Burns, C., Graham, J.L., Bauer, C.M., Kittilson, J.D., Ketterson, E.D., Hahn, T., Greives, T.J., 2019. Changes in processes downstream of the hypothalamus are associated with seasonal follicle development in a songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 270, 103-112.
Reed, S.M., Ketterson, E.D. 2019. Breeding Latitude and Annual Cycle Timing in a Songbird. IU Journal of Undergraduate Research 5 (1), 32-41.
Singh, D., Reed, S.R., Kimmitt, A.A., Alford, K.A., Ketterson, E.D. 2019. Breeding at higher latitude as measured by stable isotope is associated with higher photoperiod threshold and delayed reproductive development in a songbird. bioRxiv, 789008.
Whittaker, D.J., Slowinski, S.P., Greenberg, J.P., Alian O., Winters A.D., Ahmad M.M., Burrell M.J.E., Soini H.A., Novotny M.V., Ketterson, E.D., Theis, K.R. 2019. Experimental evidence that symbiotic bacteria produce chemical cues in a songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (20), jeb202978.
Liebgold EB, Gerlach NM, Ketterson ED. Density-dependent fitness, not dispersal movements, drives temporal variation in spatial genetic structure in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Mol Ecol. 2019; 28: 968–979.
Graham JL, Bauer CM, Heidinger BJ, Ketterson ED, Greives TJ. Early-breeding females experience greater telomere loss. Mol Ecol. 2019; 28: 114–126
Abolins-Abols, M., Kornobis, E., Ribeca, P., Wakamatsu, K., Peterson, M. P., Ketterson, E., & Mila, B. 2018. Differential gene regulation underlies variation in melanic plumage coloration in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Molecular Ecology, 27(22), pp.4501-4515.
Abolins-Abols, M., Hanauer, R.E., Rosvall, K.A., Peterson, M.P. and Ketterson, E.D., 2018. The effect of chronic and acute stressors, and their interaction, on testes function: an experimental test during testicular recrudescence. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(17), p.jeb180869.
Fudickar, A. M., & Ketterson, E. D. 2018. Genomes to space stations: The need for the integrative study of migration for avian conservation. Biology Letters, 14(2), 20170741.
Reichard, D. G., Brothers, D. E., George, S. E., Atwell, J. W., & Ketterson, E. D. 2018. Female dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis thurberi produce male-like song in a territorial context during the early breeding season. Journal of Avian Biology, 49(2).
Whittaker, D.J., Rosvall, K.A., Slowinski, S.P., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., Ketterson, E.D. 2018. Songbird chemical signals reflect uropygial gland androgen sensitivity and predict aggression: implications for the role of the periphery in chemosignaling. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 204 (1), 5-15.
Kimmitt AA, Dietz SL, Reichard DG, Ketterson ED. Male courtship preference during seasonal sympatry may maintain population divergence. Ecol Evol. 2018; 8: 11833–11841.
Bauer CM, Fudickar AM, Anderson-Buckingham S, Abolinis-Abols M, Atwell JW, Ketterson ED, Greives TJ. 2018. Seasonally sympatric but allochronic: differential expression of hypothalamic genes in a songbird during gonadal development.Proc R Soc B Biol Sci. 285:20181735.
Slowinski SP, Fudickar AM, Hughes AM, Mettler RD, Gorbatenko OV, Spellman GM, et al. (2018) Sedentary songbirds maintain higher prevalence of haemosporidian parasite infections than migratory conspecifics during seasonal sympatry. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201563.
Bauer, C. M. C. M., Graham, J. L. J. L., Abolins-Abols, M., Heidinger, B. J. B. J., Ketterson, E. D. E. D. & Greives, T. J. T. J. (2018). Chronological and biological age predict seasonal reproductive timing: an investigation of clutch initiation and telomeres in birds of known age. The American Naturalist 191, 777–782.
Abolins-Abols, M., & Ketterson, E. D. 2017. Condition explains individual variation in mobbing behavior. Ethology, 123(8), 495-502.
Fudickar, A. M., Greives, T. J., Abolins-Abols, M., Atwell, J. W., Meddle, S. L., Friis, G., Stricker, C.A., & Ketterson, E. D. 2017. Mechanisms Associated with an Advance in the Timing of Seasonal Reproduction in an Urban Songbird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5.
Gerlach, N. M., & Ketterson, E. D. 2017. The Function of Behavior as Assessed by Phenotypic Engineering with Testosterone. Hormones, Brain and Behavior, 305-320.
Gonser, R., & Ketterson, E. 2017. Elaina Marie Tuttle, 1963–2016. The Auk, 134(3), 778-779.
Ho, J. M., Burns, C. M., Rendon, N. M., Rosvall, K. A., Bradshaw, H. B., Ketterson, E. D., & Demas, G. E. 2017. Lipid signaling and fat storage in the dark-eyed junco. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 247, 166-173.
Reichard, D. G., Kimmitt, A. A., Welklin, J. F., & Ketterson, E. D. 2017. Condition- and context-dependent factors are related to courtship behavior of paired and unpaired males in a socially monogamous songbird. The Auk, 134(3), 575-586.
Whittaker, D. J., Rosvall, K. A., Slowinski, S. P., Soini, H. A., Novotny, M. V., & Ketterson, E. D. 2017. Songbird chemical signals reflect uropygial gland androgen sensitivity and predict aggression: Implications for the role of the periphery in chemosignaling. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 204(1), 5-15.
Abolins-Abols, M., Hope, S.F., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Effect of acute stressor on reproductive behavior differs between urban and rural birds. Ecology and Evolution, 6(18), pp.6546-6555.
Bauer, C.M., Heidinger, B.J., Ketterson, E.D., Greives, T.J. 2016. A migratory lifestyle is associated with shorter telomeres in a songbird (Junco hyemalis). The Auk, 133: 649-653.
Bauer, C.M., Needham, K.B., Le, C.N., Stewart, E.C., Graham, J.L., Greives, T.J. 2016. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity is not elevated in a songbird (Junco hyemalis) preparing for migration. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 232: 60-66.
Ferreira, A.C., Atwell, J.W., Whittaker, D.J., Ketterson, E.D., Cardoso, G.C. 2016. Communication value of mistakes in dark-eyed junco song. The American Naturalist, 188(3), 289-305.
Fudickar, A.M., Greives, T.J., Atwell, J.W., Stricker, C.A., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Reproductive allochrony in seasonally sympatric populations maintained by differential response to photoperiod: implications for population divergence and response to climate change. The American Naturalist, 187: 436-446.
Fudickar, A.M., Peterson, M.P., Greives, T.J., Atwell, J.W., Bridge, E.S., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Differential gene expression in seasonal sympatry: mechanisms involved in diverging life histories. Biology Letters, 12: 20160069.
Greives, T.J., Fudickar, A.M., Atwell, J.W., Meddle, S.L., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Early spring sex differences in luteinizing hormone response to gonadotropin releasing hormone in co-occurring resident and migrant dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 236: 17-23.
Ketterson, Ellen D. and J.W. Atwell, eds. Snowbird: integrative biology and evolutionary diversity in the junco. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Rosvall, K.A., Bergeon Burns, C.M., Jayaratna, S.P., Dossey, E.K., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Gonads and the evolution of hormonal phenotypes. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56(2), 225-234.
Rosvall, K.A., Bergeon Burns, C.M., Jayaratna, S.P., Ketterson, E.D. 2016. Divergence along the gonadal steroidogenic pathway: Implications for hormone-mediated phenotypic evolution. Hormones and Behavior, 84: 1-8.
Whittaker, D.J., Gerlach, N.M., Slowinski, S.P., Corcoran, K.P., Winter, A.D., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., Ketterson, E.D., Theis, K.R. 2016. Social environment has a primary influence on the microbial and odor profiles of a chemically signalling songbird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (2016):90.
Ketterson, E.D., Fudicker, A. M., Atwell, J.W., Greives, T.J. 2015. Seasonal timing and population divergence: when to breed, when to migrate. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6: 50-58.
Atwell, J.W., Cardoso, G.C., Whittaker, D.J., Price, T.D., and Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Hormonal, behavioral, and life-history traits exhibit correlated shifts in relation to population establishment in a novel environment. American Society of Naturalists 184(6).
Bergeon Burns, C.M., Rosvall, K.A., Hahn, T.P., Demas, G.E., and Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Examining sources of variation in HPG axis function among individuals and populations of the dark-eyed junco. Hormones and Behaviour 65(2): 179-187.
Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Male and female testosterone: is one sex made in the image of the other? An invited commentary on Goymann and Wingfield. Behavioral Ecology 25(4): 704-705.
Peterson, M.P., Rosvall, K.A., Taylor, C.A., Lopez, J.A., Choi, J.H., Ziegenfus, C., Tang, H., Colbourne, J.K., and Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Potential for sexual conflict assessed via testosterone-mediated transcriptional changes in liver and muscle of a songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 217(4): 507-517.
Rosvall, K.A., Peterson, M.P., Reichard, D.G., Ketterson, and Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Highly context-specific activation of the HPG axis in the dark-eyed junco and implications for the challenge hypothesis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 201: 65-73.
Whittaker, D.J., Gerlach, N.M., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., and Ketterson, E.D. 2014. Bird odour predicts reproductive success. Animal Behaviour 86(4): 697-703.
Bergeon Burns, C.M.*, Rosvall, K.A.*, and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Neural steroid sensitivity and aggression: comparing individuals of two songbird subspecies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26(4): 820-831.
Cain, K.E., Bergeon Burns, C.M., and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Testosterone production, sexually dimorphic morphology, and digit ratio in the dark-eyed junco. Behavioral Ecology 24(2): 462-469.
Gerlach, N.M., and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Experimental elevation of testosterone lowers fitness in female dark-eyed juncos. Hormones and Behavior 63(5): 782-790.
Peterson, M.P., Abolins-Abols, M., Atwell, J.W., Rice, R.J., Mila, B., and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Variation in candidate genes CLOCK and ADCYAP1 does not consistently predict differences in migratory behavior in the songbird genus Junco. F1000Research 2013, 2(115).
Peterson, M.P., Rosvall, K.A., Choi, J-H., Ziegenfus, C., Tang, H., Colbourne, J.K., and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Testosterone affects neural gene expression differently in male and female juncos: a role for hormones in mediating sexual dimorphism and conflict. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61784.
Rosvall, K.A., Bergeon Burns, C.M. Hahn, T.P., and Ketterson, E.D. 2013. Sources of variation in HPG axis reactivity and individually consistent elevation of sex steroids in a female songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 194: 230-39.
Atwell, J.W., Cardoso, G.C., Whitaker, D.J., Campbell-Nelson, S., Robertson, K.W., and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Boldness behavior and stress physiology in a novel urban environment suggest rapid evolutionary adaptation. Behavioral Ecology 23(5): 960-969.
Cain, K.E., and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Competitive females are successful females; phenotype, mechanism, and selection in a common songbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66(2): 241-252.
Cardoso, G.C., Atwell, J.W., Hu, Y., Ketterson, E.D., and Price, T.D.. 2012. No correlation between three selected trade-offs in birdsong performance and male quality for a species with song repertoires. Ethology 118(6): 584-593.
Gerlach, N.M., McGlothlin, J.W., Parker, P.G., and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Reinterpreting Bateman gradients: multiple mating and selection in both sexes of a songbird species. Behavioral Ecology 23(5): 1078-1088.
Gerlach, N.M., McGlothlin, J.W., Parker, P.G., and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Promiscuous mating produces offspring with higher lifetime fitness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279(1730): 860-866.**
**Featured in "Animal Behavior: Concepts, methods, and applications" by Shawn Nordell and Thomas Valone.
Peterson, M.P., Whittaker, D.J., Ambreth, S., Sureshchandra, S., Mockatis, K., Buechlein, A., Podicheti, R., Choi, J.H., Lai, Z., Colbourne, J.K., Tang, H., and Ketterson, E. D. 2012. De novo transcriptome sequencing in a songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis): Genomic tools for an ecological model system. BMC Genomics, 13:305.
Reichard, D.G. and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Estimation of female home-range size during the nestling period of Dark-eyed Juncos. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(3): 614-620.
Rosvall, K.A., Reichard, D.G., Ferguson, S.M., Whittaker, D.J. & Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Robust behavioral effects of song playback in the absence of testosterone or corticosterone release. Hormones & Behavior 62(4): 418-425.
Rosvall, K.A., Bergeon Burns, C.M., Barske, J., Goodson, J.L., Sengelaub, D., Schlinger, B.A. & Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Neural sensitivity to sex steroids predicts individual differences in aggression: implications for behavioral evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279(1742): 3547-3555.
Whittaker, D.J., Dapper, A.L., Peterson, M.P., Atwell, J.W., and Ketterson, E.D. 2012. Maintenance of MHC Class IIB diversity in a recently established songbird population. Journal of Avian Biology 43(2): 109-118.
Atwell, J.W., O’Neal, D.M. and E.D. Ketterson. 2011. Animal migration as a moving target for conservation: intra-species variation and responses to environmental change, as illustrated in a sometimes migratory songbird. Environmental Law (Northwestern School of Law), 41(2): 289-316.
Cain, K.E., Rich, M.S., Ainsworth, K., Ketterson, E.D. 2011. Two sides of the same coin? Consistency in aggression to conspecifics and predators in a female songbird. Ethology 117(9): 786-795.
O’Neal, D.M., Kiley, R.P, and Ketterson, E.D. 2011. The effect of winter sex ratio on immune function and condition in a differential migrant. Physiology and Behavior, 102: 406-413.
O’Neal, D.M. and Ketterson, E.D. 2011. Life history evolution, hormones and avian immune function. In: Eco-Immunology. Demas, G.E. and Nelson, R.J., editors. Oxford University Press.
Reichard, D.G., Rice, R.J., Vanderbilt, C.C., and Ketterson, E.D. 2011. Deciphering information encoded in birdsong: male songbirds with fertile mates respond most strongly to complex, low-amplitude songs used in courtship. American Naturalist 178(4): 478-487.
Whittaker, D.J., Soini, H.A., Gerlach, N.M., Posto, A.L., Novotny, M.V., and Ketterson, E.D. 2011. Role of testosterone in stimulating changes in a potential avian chemosignal. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:1349-1357.
Whittaker, D.J., Richmond, K.M., Miller, A.K., Kiley, R., Bergeon Burns, C., Atwell, J.W., Ketterson, E.D. 2011. Intraspecific preen oil odor preferences in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology 22(6): 1256-1263.
Heidinger, B.J., Chastel, O., Nisbet, I.C.T. and Ketterson, E.D. 2010. Mellowing with age: older parents are less responsive to a stressor in a long-lived seabird. Functional Ecology, 24: 1037–1044.
McGlothlin, J.W., Whittaker, D.J., Schrock, S.E., Gerlach, N.M., Jawor, J.M., Snadjr, E.A., and E.D. Ketterson. 2010. Natural selection on testosterone production in a wild songbird population. American Naturalist 175: 687-701.
Whittaker, D.J., Soini, H.A., Atwell, J.W., Novotny, M.V., and E.D. Ketterson. 2010. Songbird chemosignals: volatile compounds in preen gland secretions vary among individuals, sexes, and populations. Behavioral Ecology 21:608-614.
Cardoso, G.C., Atwell, J.W., Ketterson, E.D., and T.D. Price. 2009. Song types, song performance, and the use of repertoires in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology 20:901-907.
Ketterson, E.D., Atwell, J.W., and J.W. McGlothlin. 2009. Phenotypic integration and independence: hormones, performance, and response to environmental change. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49:365-379.
Whittaker, D.J., Reichard, D.G., Dapper, A.L., and E.D. Ketterson. 2009. Behavioral responses of nesting female dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis to hetero- and conspecific passerine preen oils. Journal of Avian Biology 40: 579-583.
Ball, G.F., and E.D. Ketterson. 2008. Sex differences in the response to environmental cues regulating seasonal reproduction in birds. Phil Trans. Royal Society 1490: 231-246.
Cardoso, G.C., Mamede, A.T., Atwell, J.W., Mota, P.G., Ketterson, E.D., and T.D. Price. 2008. Song frequency does not reflect differences in body size among males in two oscine species. Ethology 114: 1084-1093.
Heidinger B.J., Nisbet I.C.T, and E.D. Ketterson. 2008. Changes in adrenal capacity contribute to a decline in the stress response with age in a long-lived seabird. General and Comparative Endrocrinology 156: 564-568.
McGlothlin, J.W., Jawor, J.M., Greives, T.J., Casto, J.M., Phillips, J.L. and E.D. Ketterson. 2008. Hormones and honest signals: males with larger ornaments elevate testosterone more when challenged. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 39-48.
McGlothlin, J.W. and E.D. Ketterson. 2008. Hormone-mediated suites as adaptations and evolutionary constraints. Phil Trans. Royal Society 363: 1611-1620.
O'Neal, D.M., Reichard, D.G., Pavlis, K., and E.D. Ketterson. 2008. Experimentally-elevated testosterone, female parental care, and reproductive success in a songbird, the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). Hormones and Behavior. 54: 571-578.
Cardoso, G.C., Atwell, J.W., Ketterson, E.D. and T.D. Price. 2007. Inferring performance in the songs of dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology 18: 1051-1057.
Clotfelter, E.D., Chandler, C.R., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2007. The influence of exogenous testosterone on the dynamics of nestling provisioning in dark-eyed juncos. Ethology 113: 18-25.
Clotfelter, E.D., Pedersen, A.B., Cranford, J.A., Ram, N., Snajdr, E. A., Nolan Jr., V. and E.D. Ketterson. 2007. Acorn mast drives long-term dynamics of rodent and songbird populations. Oecologia 154: 493-503.
Greives, T.J., Casto, J.M., and E.D. Ketterson. 2007. Relative abundance of males to females affects behaviour, condition and immune function in a captive population of dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis. Journal of Avian Biology 38:255-260.
Greives, T.J., Mason, A.O., Scotti, M-A.L., Ketterson, E.D., Kriegsfeld, L.J. and Demas G.E. 2007. Environmental control of kisspeptin: Implications for seasonal reproduction. Endocrinology 148: 1158-1166.
Jawor, J.M., McGlothlin, J.W., Casto, J.M. Greives, T.J., Snajdr, E.A., Bentley, G.E., and Ketterson, E.D. 2007. Testosterone response to GnRH in a female songbird varies with stage and reproduction: implications for adult behaviour and maternal effects. Functional Ecology 21: 767-775.
Ketterson, E.D. 2007. Perspective: Masculinized dominant females in a cooperatively breeding species, a case of cross-sexual transfer? Molecular Ecology 16: 1345-1347.
Mason, AO., Greives, T.J., Scotti, M.A., Levine, J., Frommeyer, S., Ketterson, E.D., Demas, G., Kriegsfield, L.J. 2007. Suppression of kisspeptin expression and gonadotropic axis sensitivity following exposure to inhibitory day lengths in female Siberian hamsters. Hormones and Behavior 52: 492-498.
McGlothlin, J.W., Duffy, D.L., Henry, J.L., and E. D. Ketterson. 2007. Diet quality affects an attractive white plumage pattern in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1391-1399.
McGlothlin, J. W., Jawor, J.M., and E. D. Ketterson. 2007. Natural variation in a testosterone-mediated trade-off between mating effort and parental effort. American Naturalist,170: 864-875.
Sandell, M.I., Adkins-Regan, E., and E.D. Ketterson. 2007. Pre-breeding diet affects the allocation of yolk hormones in Zebra Finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 284-290.
Soini, H.A., Schrock, S.E., Bruce, K.E., Wiesler, D., Ketterson, E.D. and M. V. Novotny. 2007. Seasonal variation in volatile compound profiles of preen gland secretion of the dark eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 183-198.
Heidinger, B.J., I.C.T. Nisbet, and E. D. Ketterson. 2006. Older parents are less responsive to a stressor in a long-lived seabird: a mechanism for increased reproductive performance with age?Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 273: 2227-2231.
Jawor, J.M., McGlothlin, J.W., Casto, J.M., Grieves, T. J., Bentley, G., Snajdr, E. A., and E.D. Ketterson. 2006. Seasonal and individual variation in response to GnRH challenge in male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 149: 182-189.
Jawor, J., Young, R., and E.D. Ketterson. 2006. Females competing to reproduce: dominance matters but testosterone may not. Hormones and Behavior, 49:362-368.
Reed, W.L, Clark, M.E., Parker, P.G., Raouf, S.A., Arguedas, N., Monk, D.S, Snajdr, E., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2006. Physiological effects on demography: A long-term experimental study of testosterone's effects on fitness. American Naturalist 167: 667-683.
Zysling, D.A., Greives, T.J., Breuner, C., Casto, J.M., Demas, G.E., and E. D. Ketterson. 2006. Behavioral and physiological responses to experimentally elevated testosterone in female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis carolinensis). Hormones and Behavior 50(2): 200-207.
Grindstaff, J.L., Demas, G.E., and E.D. Ketterson. 2005. Diet quality affects egg size and number but does not reduce maternal antibody transfer in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Journal of Animal Ecology 74, 1051-1058.
Greives, T.J., McGlothlin, J.W., Jawor, J.M., Demas, G.E. and Ketterson, E.D., 2006. Testosterone and innate immune function inversely covary in a wild population of breeding Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Functional Ecology, pp.812-818.
Ketterson, E.D., V. Nolan Jr., and M. Sandell. 2005. Testosterone in females: mediator of adaptive traits, constraint on the evolution of sexual dimorphism, or both?American Naturalist 166: S85-S98.
Ketterson, E.D., 2005. Do Animals Have Gender? A review for Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People. BioScience, 55(2), pp.178-180.
Ketterson, E.D. 2005. Hormones in the middle. A review of E. Adkins-Regan's Hormones and Animal Social Behavior. Science 310: 1905-1906.
McGlothlin, J. W., P. G. Parker, V. Nolan Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2005. Correlational selection leads to genetic integration of body size and an attractive plumage trait in dark-eyed juncos.Evolution 59:658-671.
Clotfelter E.D., O'Neal, D.M., Gaudioso, J.M, Casto, JM, Parker-Renga, I.M., Snajdr, E.A., Duffy, D.L., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2004. Consequences of elevating plasma testosterone in females of a socially monogamous songbird: evidence of constraints on male evolution?Hormones and Behavior 46:171-178.
McGlothlin, J., Neudorf, D.L., Casto, J.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2004. Elevated testosterone reduces choosiness in female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis): evidence for a hormonal constraint on sexual selection?Proceedings Royal Society, London B 271:1377-1384.
Wolf, W.L., Casto, J.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E. D. Ketterson. 2004. Female ornamentation and male mate choice in dark-eyed juncos. Animal Behaviour 67 (1): 93-102.
Clotfelter, E.D. Schubert, K.A. Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson 2003. Mouth colour signals thermal stress in nestling dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Ethology 109:171-182.
Grindstaff, J.L., Brodie III, E.D. and E.D. Ketterson. 2003. Immune function across generations: integrating mechanism and evolutionary process in maternal antibody transmission. Proceedings Royal Society, London B 270:2309-2319.
Van Roo, B.L., Ketterson, E.D., and P.J. Sharp. 2003. Testosterone and prolactin in two songbirds that differ in paternal care: the blue-headed vireo and the red-eyed vireo. Hormones and Behavior 44 (5): 435-44.
Neudorf, D.L., Ziolkowski, D.J., Jr, V. Nolan Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2002. Testosterone manipulation of male attractiveness has no detectable effect on female home-range size and behavior during the fertile period.Ethology 108:713-726.
Nolan, V. Jr., Ketterson, E.D., Cristol, D.A., Rogers, C.M., Clotfelter, E.D., Titus, R., Schoech, S.J., and E. Snajdr. 2002. Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). In The Birds of North America, No. 716. (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds), 44p. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Casto, J.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E. D. Ketterson. 2001. Steroid hormones and immune function: experimental studies in wild and captive dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). American Naturalist 157: 408-420.
Clotfelter, E.D., V. Nolan Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2001. The effects of experimentally elevated testosterone and food deprivation on food consumption and prey size preferences in male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis, Emberizidae: Passeriformes). Ethology 107:439-449.
Grindstaff, J.L., Buerkle, C.M., Casto, J.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 2001. Offspring sex ratio is unrelated to male attractiveness in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50:312-316.
Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., Casto, J.M., Buerkle, C.A.,Clotfelter, E., Grindstaff, J.L., Jones, K.J., Lipar, J.L., McNabb, F.M.A., Neudorf, D.L., Parker-Renga, I., Schoech, S.J., and E. Snajdr. 2001. Testosterone, phenotype, and fitness: a research program in evolutionary behavioral endocrinology. Pp. 19-40, in A. Dawson and C.M. Chaturvedi (eds.), Avian Endocrinology. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
Cawthorn, J.M., Morris, D., Ketterson, E.D., and Nolan, V. Jr. 1998. Influence of elevated testosterone on nest defence in dark-eyed juncos. Animal Behaviour 56:617-621.
Chandler, C.R., Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., and C. Ziegenfus. 1994. Effects of testosterone on spatial activity in free-ranging male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis. Animal Behaviour 47:1445-1455.
Chandler, C.R., E.D. Ketterson, V. Nolan, Jr. 1995. Roost site selection in breeding male dark-eyed juncos. Condor 97:279-282.
Chandler, C.R., E.D. Ketterson, and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. Effects of testosterone on spatial activity in free-ranging male dark-eyed juncos when their mates are fertile. Animal Behaviour 54:543-549.
Enstrom, D.E., E.D. Ketterson, and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. Testosterone and mate choice in the dark-eyed junco. Animal Behaviour 54:1135-1146.
Hudman, S.P., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 2000. Effects of time of sampling on oocyst detection and effects of age and experimentally elevated testosterone on prevalence of coccidia in male dark-eyed juncos. Auk 117: 1048-1051.
Kast, T.L., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1998. Variation in ejaculate quality in dark-eyed juncos according to season, stage of reproduction, and testosterone treatment. Auk 115(3):684-693.
Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., Wolf, L. Ziegenfus, C. Dufty, A.M., Ball G.F, and T.S. Johnsen. 1991. Testosterone and avian life histories: the effect of experimentally elevated testosterone on corticosterone and body mass. Hormones and Behavior 25:489-503.
Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., Wolf, L., and C. Ziegenfus. 1992. Testosterone and avian life histories: effects of experimentally elevated testosterone on behavior and correlates of fitness in the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). American Naturalist 140:980-999.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan, Jr. 1992. Hormones and life histories: an integrative approach. American Naturalist 140:S33-S62.
Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., Ziegenfus, C. Cullen, D.P., and M.J. Cawthorn. 1992. Non-breeding season attributes of male Dark-eyed Juncos that acquired breeding territories in their first year. Acta XXI Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Vol 2:1229-1239.
Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1994. Hormones and Life Histories: An Integrative Approach, in Behavioral Mechanisms in Evolutionary Ecology, pp 327-353. L. Real, ed., University of Chicago Press. (See 1992 American Naturalist paper)
Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1994. Male parental behavior in birds. Ann. Rev. Ecol. & Syst. 25: 601-628.
Ketterson, E.D., V. Nolan Jr., M.J. Cawthorn, P.G. Parker, and C. Ziegenfus. 1996. Phenotypic engineering: using hormones to explore the mechanistic and functional bases of phenotypic variation in nature. Ibis 138: 1-17.
Ketterson, E.D., Parker, P.G., Raouf, S.A., Nolan, V. Jr., Ziegenfus, C., and C.R. Chandler. 1998. Relative importance of extra-pair fertilizations to male and female reproductive success in dark-eyed juncos. Pp. 81-101 in Avian Reproductive Tactics: Female and Male Perspectives (P. G. Parker and N. T. Burley, eds.). Ornithological Monographs No. 49, Lawrence, KS.
Klukowski, L., Cawthorn, J. M., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. Effects of testosterone on corticosterone and corticosterone binding globulin in captive dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 108:141-151.
Lipar, J., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1995. Steroid hormones in the yolk of red-winged blackbird eggs. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews 6:329.
Lipar, J.L., and E.D. Ketterson. 2000. Maternally derived yolk testosterone enhances the development of the hatching muscle in the red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoniceus. Proceedings Royal Society, London B 267: 2005-2010.
Lynn, S.E., Houtman, A.M. Weathers, W.W., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 2000. Testosterone increases activity but not daily energy expenditure in captive male dark-eyed juncos. Animal Behaviour 60:581-587.
Nolan, V. Jr. and E.D. Ketterson. 1991. Experiments on winter-site attachment in young dark-eyed juncos. Ethology 87:123-133.
Nolan, V., Ketterson, E.D., Ziegenfus, C., Chandler, C.R., and D.P. Cullen. 1992. Testosterone and avian life histories: effects of experimentally elevated testosterone on molt and survival in male Dark-eyed Juncos. Condor 94: 364-370.
Nolan, V. Jr. and E. D. Ketterson. (eds.). 1996. Current Ornithology, vol. 13. Plenum Press, New York.
Nolan, V. Jr., E. D. Ketterson, and C.F. Thompson (eds.). 1997. Current Ornithology, vol. 14. Plenum Press, New York.
Raouf, S.A., Parker, P.G., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1995. The effects of testosterone on reproductive success in the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis carolinensis. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews 6: 286.
Raouf, S.A., Parker, P.G., Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., and C. Ziegenfus. 1997. Testosterone affects reproductive success by influencing extra-pair fertilizations in male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis. Proc. Royal Society (Series B), London 264: 1599-1603. Errata, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998), 2453-2455.
Rogers, C.M., Ramenofsky, M., Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., and J.C. Wingfield. 1993. Plasma corticosterone, adrenal mass, winter weather, and season in nonbreeding populations of Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis hyemalis). Auk 110:279-285.
Rogers, C.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 1993. Geographic variation in winter fat of Dark-eyed Juncos: Displacement to a common environment. Ecology 74:1183-1190.
Rogers, C.M., Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 1994. Winter fattening in Dark-eyed Juncos: plasticity and interaction with post-breeding migration. Oecologia, 97:526-532.
Schoech, S., Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr. and Buntin, J., Sharp, P. 1998. The effect of exogenous testosterone on parental behavior, plasma prolactin, and prolactin binding sites in dark-eyed juncos. Hormones and Behavior 34:1-10.
Smulders, T.V., Casto, J.M., Nolan, V. Jr., Ketterson, E.D., and T.J. DeVoogd. 2000. Effects of captivity and testosterone on the volumes of four brain regions in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Journal of Neurobiology 43: 244-253.
Titus, R.C., Chandler, C.R., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. Song rates of dark-eyed juncos do not increase when females are fertile. Behav. Ecology and Sociobiology 41:165-169.
Titus, R.C., E.D. Ketterson, and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. High testosterone prior to song crystallization inhibits singing behavior in captive yearling dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis. Hormones and Behavior 32:133-140.
Wolf, L., Ketterson, E.D. and Nolan Jr, V., 1991. Female condition and delayed benefits to males that provide parental care: a removal study. The Auk, 108(2), pp.371-380.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan, Jr. 1982. The role of migration and winter mortality in the life history of a temperate-zone migrant, the Dark-eyed Junco, as determined from demographic analyses of winter populations. Auk 99:243-259.
Stuebe, M.M. and E.D. Ketterson. 1982. A study of fasting endurance in Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos: ecological implications. Auk 99:299-308.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1983. Behavior of migratory Dark-eyed Juncos following release in the winter range during the breeding season. Journal of Field Ornithology 54:387-393.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan, Jr. 1983. The evolution of differential bird migration, pp. 357-402. In R.F. Johnston (ed.), Current Ornithology, Vol. I, Plenum Press, New York.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1983. Autumnal Zugunruhe and migratory fattening of Dark-eyed Juncos apparently suppressed by detention at the wintering sites. Wilson Bulletin 95:629-635.
Nolan Jr., V. and E.D. Ketterson. 1983. An analysis of body mass, wing length, and visible fat deposits of Dark-eyed Juncos wintering at different latitudes. Wilson Bulletin 95:603-620.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1985. Intraspecific variation in avian migration: evolutionary and regulatory aspects. In Migration: Mechanisms and Adaptive Significance (ed. M.A. Rankin). Univ. Texas Contributions in Marine Science, Supplement 27:553-579.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1986. Effect of winter laparotomy on long-term survival of Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos. Journal Field Ornithology 57:239-240.
Nolan, Val Jr., Ketterson, E.D., and L. Wolf. 1986. Long-distance homing by non-migratory Dark-eyed Juncos. Condor 88:539-542.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan, Jr. 1987. Suppression of autumnal migration unrest in Dark-eyed Juncos held during summer on, near, or far from their previous wintering sites. Auk 104:303-310.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan, Jr. 1987. Spring and summer confinement of Dark-eyed Juncos at autumn migratory destination suppresses normal autumn behavior. Animal Behaviour 35:1744-1753.
Rogers, C.M., 1987. Predation risk and fasting capacity: do wintering birds maintain optimal body mass?. Ecology, 68(4), pp.1051-1061.
Sniegowski, P., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan, Jr. 1988. Can experience alter the avian annual cycle? Results of migration experiments in Indigo Buntings. Ethology 79:333-341.
Wolf, L., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan, Jr. 1988. Paternal influence on growth and survival of Dark-eyed Junco young: do parental males benefit?Animal Behaviour 36:1601-1618.
Rogers, C.M., Theimer, T, Nolan, V. Jr., and E.D. Ketterson. 1989. Does dominance determine how far Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) migrate into the winter range?Animal Behaviour 37:498-506.
Cristol, D.A., Nolan, V., Jr., and Ketterson, E.D. 1990. Effect of prior residence on dominance in dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Animal Behaviour, 40:580-586.
Ketterson, E.D., Nolan, V. Jr., Wolf, L., and Goldsmith, A. 1990. Effect of sex, stage of reproduction, season, and mate removal on prolactin in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Condor 92:922-930.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1990. Site attachment and site-fidelity in migratory birds: experimental evidence from the field and analogies from Neurobiology, pp. 117-129. In Bird Migration, E. Gwinner (ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Nolan, V. Jr. and E.D. Ketterson. 1990. Effect of long days on molt and migratory state of site-faithful Dark-eyed Juncos held at their winter sites. Wilson Bulletin 102:469-479.
Nolan, V., Jr. and E.D. Ketterson. 1990. Timing of autumn migration in relation to the winter distribution of the sex-age classes in the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). Ecology 71:1267-1278.
Wolf, L., Ketterson, E.D., and V. Nolan Jr. 1990. Behavioural response of female Dark-eyed Junco to the experimental removal of their mates: implications for the evolution of male parental care. Animal Behaviour 39:125-134.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1976. Geographic variation and its climatic correlates in the sex ratio of eastern-wintering Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis hyemalis). Ecology 57:679-693.
Ketterson, E.D. and J.R. King. 1977. Metabolic and behavioral responses to fasting in the White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). Physiological Zoology 50:115-129.
Ketterson, E.D. 1977. Male Prairie Warbler dies during courtship. Auk 94:393.
Ketterson, E.D. 1978. Status signaling in juncos. Auk 96:94-99.
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1978. Overnight weight loss in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Auk 95:755-758.
Ketterson, E.D. 1978. Environmental influences upon aggressive behavior in wintering juncos. Bird-Banding 49:313-320.
Ketterson, E.D. 1979. Aggressive behavior in wintering Dark-eyed Juncos: determinants of dominance and their possible relation to geographic variation in sex ratio. Wilson Bulletin 91:371-383. Selected as the best paper to appear in the journal during 1979
Ketterson, E.D. and V. Nolan Jr. 1979. Seasonal, annual, and geographic variation in sex ratio of wintering populations of Dark-eyed Juncos (Juncohyemalis). Auk 96:522-536.